The Experience: Professional Coaching Session
The reality is that we can all benefit from an extra set of eyes. An outside perspective can move you forward with greater momentum and clarity than you can achieve on your own, that fresh point of view gives you insight to fast track your professional life. Coaching is an investment in yourself that pays dividends long after your sessions are over. You will learn how to work with yourself to produce profound and lasting change.
The Process: Professional Coaching Session
Hour long sessions in person or remotely are held on a weekly basis. Situational sessions are available on an as needed basis.
The Experience: Equine Professional Development
These sessions are intended to provide new insight into your ability to effectively lead yourself and interact with your team members. The horses will be used as biofeedback mechanisms to inform on how you actually operate and give specific insight to your blind spots. This information can then be used to determine what you could change to encourage trust and inspiration in your team and make you a more effective team member.
The Process: Equine Professional Development
These sessions are generally one hour and take place with horses at our facility. Make sure to attire yourself so you are fit for the outdoors.